Audio Drama

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Audio drama podcast from Marvel, then we go old school and visit a comic from Ancient Rome and the 60s. Let’s get into it and nerd it up. Episode Links: Wolverine:The Long Night Podcast Old Time Radio The History of Rome Podcast Carl D Smith Patreon The Podcast Arcade Art of Lee Bokma Covert Nerd Podcast ----more---- Wolverine the long night podcast is an audio drama based on the Marvel character Wolverine. I hope they do more of these in the future. Shortly after I wrote this it was announced there would be a 2nd season called Marvel’s Wolverine: The Lost Trail. Being in the audio world I know this type of storytelling can be just as difficult to make as making a comic book.  Both are a great way to tell a story and both are taxing on the creators. I have listened to many old time radio broadcasts and they are fun to listen too. If you haven’t listened to old audio dramas I suggest you do it. I will Include a link to old audio drama’s people have posted on  Audio has the good and bad benefit of not being a complete medium. The difference between a TV show and an Audio Drama is, that not everything is thrown at you. When you watch something on a screen you are given both the visual and the audio, your brain doesn’t have to fill in any of the gaps. With Audio your brain has to draw the pictures of the scene and characters for you based on what you hear and what your mind can conjur. In the podcasting world the fiction genre has seen an increase in popularity in the last year.  I believe this will continue to be the case over the next few years. I would assume you are a fan of audio since you are listening now. It’s a personal medium, what I mean is that it’s not something you listen to as a group.  It’s your player of choice and a pair of earbuds. The test on how good a podcast or audio book is, when you are listening in the car does it prevent you from getting out? If it does then it’s a good podcast or audio book. Books on tape comments, I want to take you back in the way back machine to back in the late 90’s I listened to a lot of books on tape. Because back then there were no podcasts.  You had to rewind if the previous person didn’t and the portable tape player I used seemed to go through AA batteries quickly. I’m sounding like the old man yelling at kids to get off my lawn. Fast forward to today and the effort to listen to audio like most things is almost friction-less. Also the barrier of entry to produce a podcast or audiobook is much easier than ever before. I’m not saying either is easy, but the ability to get your product to the consumer is relatively easy compared to 10 years ago. Just like in previous episodes the barrier of entry is lower, which is a good thing for all of us, in my opinion.  If you like a particular podcast please let them know. Sometimes we as podcasters wonder if anyone is listening. All the podcasters I talk with and listen to, they all 100% agree when they get an email from a listener it gives them a boost. It helps them be more excited for the next episode. I think this would be a good idea for most of the things we consume. Whether it’s a blog post or piece of digital art, let the creator know you like it. It’s doesn’t have to be lengthy, a simple “good job, keep up the good work.” will do wonders for a creators moral. And that’s why I try to do as many shout outs to the people who contact with me. I hope you will give them a look and get some value and let them know they are putting out good content.   Britannia comic from Valiant Ruled by the Fates. Manipulated by the Gods. Commanded by Caesar. In the year 65 A.D., one’s destiny was not his own. At the height of Nero’s reign, a veteran of Rome’s imperial war machine has been dispatched to the farthest reaches of the colonies to investigate unnatural happenings… In the remote outpost of Britannia, Antonius Axia – the First Detective – will become Rome’s only hope to reassert control over the empire’s most barbaric
Audio Drama
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